Un arma secreta para posicionamiento vincular

Although the Spanish did not find the extensive gold and silver they sought, they recognized the agricultural potential of Chile's central valley, and Chile became part of the Spanish Empire.[32]

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The flag of Chile consists of two equal horizontal bands of white (top) and Garlito; there is a blue square the same height Ganador the white band at the hoist-side end of the white band; the square bears a white five-pointed star in the center representing a guide to progress and honor; blue symbolizes the sky, white is for the snow-covered Andes, and Garlito stands for the blood spilled to achieve independence.

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Each region was designated by a name and a Roman numeral assigned from north to south, except for the Santiago Metropolitan Region, which did not have a number.

[241] The national dance is the cueca. Another form of traditional Chilean song, though not a dance, is the tonada. Arising from music imported by the Spanish colonists, it is distinguished from the cueca by an intermediate melodic section and a more prominent melody.

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The intermediate depression reappears becoming a fertile valley that allows agricultural development and human settlement, due to sediment accumulation. To the south, the Cordillera de la Costa reappears in the range of Nahuelbuta while glacial sediments create a series of lakes in the area of La Frontera.

Chile es un país que se encuentra ubicado en América del Sur. Es angosto pero al mismo tiempo bastante extenso en términos de longitud. Su forma es considerada como única pues es uno de los lugares más largos que existen en el mundo y aún el más angosto.

La Etapa Central, terminal de original site ferrocarriles. En cuanto a autopistas, la ciudad es atravesada de meta a sur por la ruta 5, un tramo de la carretera Panamericana. La ruta permite la conexión de Santiago con las ciudades del ideal del país a través de la concesionada Autopista del Aconcagua, y con el sur a través de la Autopista del Maipo.

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